Join SimpliOffer

Looking to keep more commission in your pocket? Looking for a great brokerage with access to top of the line technology? We may be the right fit for you and your career!
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Your Business with SimpliOffer

Build your real estate business with Real's great splits & tech tools - no office required.


$12,000 annual cap then 100% split
  1. 85/15 commission split
  2. No monthly fees
  3. $500 annual brokerage fee, paid from first two transactions/anniversary year
  4. $225/transaction fee after cap
  5. $125/lease transaction fee after cap
$149 sign-up fee

* 100% commission, $500/ transaction fee on up to 3 personal sales deals per year


$12K team leader annual cap
$6K team member annual cap
then 100% split
  1. 85/15 commission split
  2. No monthly fees
  3. $500 annual brokerage fee, paid from first two transactions/anniversary year
  4. Team leader qualifications of $5M or 25 transactions in prior 12 months
  5. Minimum 25% team member split to leader
$149 sign-up fee

* 100% commission, $500/ transaction fee on up to 3 personal sales deals per year

We believe that your success comes first!

With an innovative approach to the real estate industry, SimpliOffer is a company that always looks to grow with you.

In a world of ever-changing exponential and transformative technology, deals are no longer done at the company water cooler. With the freedom to work where you please coupled with 24/7 access to the latest technology, SimpliOffer provides you and your customers an advantage throughout the entire real estate process.


We know the answer is simple.

If you feel your current real estate organization is leading from behind and limiting your success, it is time to make a change!

Our success is directly related to our ability to anticipate what is to come in the industry and always get there first. Come join our family today!

Designed By Realtors For Realtors!



Our real estate professionals are provided with cutting edge technology and outstanding support systems.



Our real estate professionals are provided with cutting edge technology and outstanding support systems.



Our real estate professionals are provided with cutting edge technology and outstanding support systems.

Get more information about joining SimpliOffer now!